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How We Support Children in Residential Care During the Festive Season standard

We know that in Ireland the Christmas period is a time of joy and celebration for many, but for some, it can bring about mixed emotions. At Ashdale, we understand that there are unique challenges that are faced by our children and young people. We use this understanding to try to create a caring and supportive environment that helps them feel loved, valued and part of our ‘family’ during this very special festive time.  The first priority is to recognise the challenges. For our children, Christmas can be an emotional time and can be a reminder of family connections or of traditions that they might be missing. Feelings of loneliness, worry or sadness can be common during this period. There ...

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How the Role of Residential Social Care Workers Has Changed standard

The field of child care is rapidly changing and adapting to meet the increasingly complex needs of children and young people both in Ireland, and coming to Ireland as SCSIP (Separated Children Seeking International Protection). Working within this setting today is still a vocation, but it requires more than a compassionate heart and dedication. It demands specialised skills, the highest levels of training, resilience and a willingness to embrace new approaches that support the therapeutic, emotional and physical needs of a child or young person.  At Ashdale Care, we work hard to stay at the front of this evolution by helping our team members grow in these roles. We encourage every person on our team to become as well-equipped as ...

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What Being Named a ‘Best Managed Company’ by Deloitte means to Ashdale Care standard

We are overjoyed to share the great news that Ashdale Care has been recognised as one of Ireland’s Best Managed Companies awarded by Deloitte. This remarkable achievement reflects the dedication, passion and hard work of every single member of our team. We are being recognised because of the work of all who strive to create a nurturing and supportive environment for the children in our care.  What does this award mean? Deloitte’s ‘Best Managed Company’ award recognises organisations that excel in their management practices, innovation, culture and commitment to excellence. It’s not just about our day-to-day operations, it’s about leading with heart and building with care. It is a recognition of the fact that our mission to care for and ...

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Ashdale Care’s Standards of Excellence: A Look at the 2023 Quality Report standard

When we are dealing with the provision of care, excellence is not just a goal but a commitment that we hold ourselves to at Ashdale Care. This commitment is not just a guiding principle but a driving force behind every decision we make. As we look back at 2023 through our latest quality report, it is clear that this commitment to excellence has given us some remarkable results and helps us to set the highest standards in enhanced therapeutic care.  Child-Centric Care At the heart of our care is the commitment we have to each child and young person. Everything we do at Ashdale is to ensure that the child always comes first. With this in mind, we are so ...

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In honour of Earth Day, we’re sharing our sustainability commitments standard

Earth Day is an annual celebration of our wonderful planet that raises awareness of the need to protect our natural resources. Here at Ashdale we care deeply about the health of our planet and, this Earth Day, we wanted to take a moment to share our sustainability goals. We all have a part to play in taking care of the planet and, at Ashdale, we’ve set ourselves a number of short, medium and long-term goals intended to reduce our carbon footprint and protect our planet.  Our short-term aims Improve biodiversity All Ashdale homes are in semi-rural locations with extensive outdoor space. Our aim is to create safe havens for our young people, and we believe that getting the environment right ...

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5 ways care workers can manage stress (and how we support our Ashdale family) standard

Caring for others can put pressure on even the most resilient care worker. In time for Stress Awareness month this April, we wanted to share a handful of tips to help you care for yourself while you care for others. At Ashdale, we’ve built support into our culture. So, while we understand that the job of care worker comes with an unavoidable amount of pressure, our staff know that they need never suffer alone. Check out the five preservation techniques that we employ at Ashdale that can be built into any self-care routine. 1.Speak up If you’re feeling overwhelmed then we urge you to open up to a trusted confidant. At Ashdale, we have regular listening groups and post-shift debriefs ...

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Reflective spaces at Ashdale Care standard

Looking after the staff who work at Ashdale Care is a core focus of the organisation. After all, you can’t pour from an empty cup, so keeping our staff cups full is vital in the care of our children and young people. One of the newest introductions to supporting our carers’ mental health and wellbeing are Reflective Spaces. Olivia McGrath, Clinical Service Manager, explains more: “During the first 90 minutes of a team meeting a member of the Clinical team will facilitate a Reflective Space. This is a protected time and space to explore situations that have come up for the team, specifically quite challenging situations and their emotional reaction to it. The aim is to further develop the skill ...

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