They also help to devise formulations, Therapeutic and Educational Summaries of Progress (TESPS) and Individual Therapeutic Plans (ITPs) in line with the Care Plan. They provide regular case consultations and reviews with home managers and staff, attend placement planning meetings and, where indicated, carry out direct interventions with our young people on an individual or group basis. Our psychologists facilitate part of our in-house Developmental Trauma training programme, offering therapeutic input and treatment in relation to the consequences of traumatic experiences that are part of the profile of many of our young people.
The Model of Therapeutic Support and Care in Ashdale Care is a Stepped-Care model. Stepped-Care is a system for delivering and monitoring therapeutic treatment so that the most effective, yet least resource-intensive treatment, is delivered first, only “stepping up” to intensive / specialist supports as required and depending on the level of distress or need. Stepped-care is based on starting with Universal, General, Low-intensity, Indirect work and moving towards (when required) Targeted, Specific, High-Intensity, Direct Work.
In 2019, Ashdale Care became the first European organisation to achieve TCI Fidelity status through Cornell University. CARE is a trauma-informed, principlebased, multi-component program designed by Cornell University to enhance social dynamics in group care settings. The program also helps to create an environment that provides developmentally enriching experiences and better outcomes for children in residential care.
Using these principles, the CARE approach is designed to create and sustain a therapeutic environment within our homes. Staff working with the young people living in our homes can, as a result, use their everyday interactions, communications, supports and activities with the young people in their homes as opportunities for providing therapeutic input in line with CARE and can teach and support the young people in learning adaptive skills, repairing the effects of trauma and addressing attachment issues throughout the day.
The six principles that form the foundation of CARE are:
In 2019, Ashdale Care became the first European organisation to achieve TCI Fidelity status through Cornell University. The Therapeutic Crisis Intervention model, developed and run by Cornell University, provides a system to assist in
caring for children and young people who have experienced trauma.
The organisation focuses on building learning relationships and a community of practice throughout Ashdale Care to maintain quality care standards and principles in 6 main ways:
To enhance our CARE/TCI programme-based model of therapeutic support (i.e. Tier 1), Ashdale Care also provides additional therapeutic support to our homes from our in-house Therapeutic Support Team or TST (i.e. Tier 2, Tier 3 and Tier 4). The TST consists currently of Occupational Therapists, Psychologists, Teachers and Art Therapists.
Our in-house Therapeutic Support Team (TST) (consisting of Occupational Therapy, Psychology, Teaching and Art Therapy), also provide additional direct and indirect support to the home teams, offering training, clinical advice,understanding of a young person’s presentation, consultations, and guidance, and working collaboratively with the home teams to support the therapeutic needs of the young people in our care (Tier 2). Depending on their assessed needs, our young people may also attend one of our Learning Hub locations (Lakehouse or Templeport(delete Templeport)) on a regular basis in line with their placement plan. There, the therapeutic support being delivered by the home teams (with the support of the TST) may be augmented with the provision of direct 1:1 or group therapeutic interventions and/or 1:1 or group education sessions (Tiers 3 & 4).
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