Training and career progression at Ashdale Care

At Ashdale, we prioritise training and career development to help our people grow.
In-house training and clear career progression are some of the most important things to consider when you start a new position, particularly if that position is in the field of social care. Training and progression won’t just increase your skills but will also build confidence, increase job satisfaction and demonstrate that you’re a valued member of the Ashdale community. Enabling our staff to progress and access ongoing training means that they can follow the career pathway that they desire – we will support them all the way. We sat down with Ann Lappin – Training Co-ordinator – to find out all about the training on offer at Ashdale Care. Here’s what Ann had to say:
What training do you offer at Ashdale?
“Ashdale Care offers a robust Training Programme to all members of staff. As standard, we offer Therapeutic Crisis Intervention programme (TCI), Trauma Awareness Programme TAP and CARE training. These core principles form the basis for development within Ashdale Care and provide the framework for ensuring that all members of staff have the knowledge, skills and expertise to care for the children and young people in the organisation.
Do new starters get induction training?
“Yes, all staff members will undergo a comprehensive induction which includes a variety of sessions ranging from Information Provision, Online Mandatory Training, Introduction to Trauma Informed Practice, A Day in the Life of a Residential Social Worker.
Induction and Initial TCI provide the opportunity to introduce new members of staff to the ethos of Ashdale Care. They strengthen and inform the vital skills required to nurture and care for young people who have experienced trauma. The training also allows new staff to see the expectations of practice required by the organisation.”
What does mandatory training consist of?
“Mandatory Training includes Fire Safety, First Aid, Introduction to Children First, Children First Child Protection and Safe Administration of Medicines, GDPR.”
Are there any specialised training sessions?
Yes, absolutely. Additional Training is provided to teams according to the needs of the young people for whom they are caring e.g. Cultural Awareness, Autism Awareness, Grief and Loss.
We also offer training in:
- Disrupted attachment & developmental trauma (basic)
- Personal and professional boundaries
- Defence mechanisms & self-protective behaviours
- Intimate partner violence
- The drama triangle and child development
- Neuro sequential approach to trauma repair
- Safetalk
- Assist
- Use of ligature knife training
Tell us more about Ashdale’s partnership with Cornell University and the CARE programme?
CARE Training was introduced to the Organisation in 2019 to complement the established TCI and TAP training programmes. CARE is a framework for practice which is based on six principles which create conditions for change and development. All members of staff have the opportunity to complete a five-day training programme which teaches the concepts of CARE, encourages peer discussions, reflective practice opportunities and ongoing application of the CARE principles to everyday interaction with children and young people.
Read more about our CARE principles here.
Is there a running programme of training that means staff are always learning?
TCI, TAP and CARE provide the necessary training to support and encourage members of staff to continually develop their skills and enhance their practice to inform their decision making on a daily basis. Ashdale Care encourages the development of a learning environment in which good practice is recognised and acknowledged through reflective discussion and practice and continual learning from experience.
Is there anything else you’d like to add?
The overall training programme within Ashdale Care is a planned, robust, responsive programme which reflects the commitment of the organisation to equip members of staff to provide the best possible nurturing and life enhancing experiences for the children and young people who are cared for.
Thanks for talking with us Ann! If you’re looking for the next step in your career in residential care or social care work, take a look at our job vacancies or get in touch with us today.